More than just childcare.

At A Child’s Life Learning Center, we are more than just childcare.

From the outside, you can see what goes on each day that looks like; it’s most basic- care. We care for your children during the day while you are at work or school. We are a part of the village that helps your families get through each week. We help your children sleep, eat, and learn how to use the potty.

We partner with you to help your children become exactly who they are supposed to be.

Early childhood education is so much more than just care.

Each day we do tasks that look like childcare that is layered in so much learning.

Take meals, for example. Here at ACLLC, we let our children serve themselves and pour their own milk. These simple tasks are fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Passing out cups, plates, and forks becomes a math activity.

Spilling milk and cleaning it up becomes science by seeing how a towel absorbs the milk.

We teach how to listen to our bodies and see how much food they need and if they are still hungry.

It all seems so simple- each of these things, everyday tasks that can be built upon and scaffolded.

You might notice that your toddlers are picking up new skills, being able to grab cheerios with pincher fingers or pointing out colors and or counting to five. Your preschooler can tell a story from a book because they have noticed words and what pictures mean.

There is so much learning that happens in the small things.

Daily, our teachers are doing incredible things: counting items, explaining color mixing, and modeling emotions. They are helping rebuild towers and encouraging bike riding, and celebrating victories.

Early learning teachers are just that- teachers. Each day we make decisions based on the needs and abilities of the children in their class. Creating individualized activities that meet kids where they are and group activities that help to instill new areas of development that allow the children to help each other and learn together.

At ACLLC our teachers are constantly taking training and learning new ways to better their classrooms and our center. Following the children’s lead to see what they want to explore and figure out ways to implement learning in specific developmental stages.

They know the stages of development and what the kids in their class do well, and what their next step of growth is.

Here at ACLCC, we are so much more than just childcare. We are a building full of teachers and staff who are seeking out ways each day to support the learning and development, and growth of each of your children.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with your families each day and trusting us with the development and growth of your children.